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- Ok, i wrote this program for my SBPro, but since it was so little trouble,
- i also put in adlib support... shit... this is some of my worst code... guess
- thats cuz i did it while i was sick...
- Run the program with a filename, the filename must not have an extension.
- When you save your file with F10, it is given the extention ".667". In this
- program all values are in hex.
- Keys:
- Anywhere:
- ALT-X ... exit program
- +, - ... increase, decrease octave
- *, / ... increase, decrease tempo
- <, > ... increase, decrease current voice
- 0 ... shuddap
- F5 ... play song
- F6 ... play pattern
- F7 ... play from current order
- F10 ... save song
- ALT-N ... clear song
- Z,S,X,D,C,V,G,B,H,N,J,M, ... play the notes C,C#,D,ect...
- Q,2,W,3,E,R,5,T,6,Y,7,U using the instrument and voice
- selected (2 octaves here)
- (keys F5-F10, and ALT-N do not work in the Load Instrument menu)
- Order Edit:
- , , , , PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, ... move cursor
- Tab, S.Tab
- . ... clear 1 order
- Ins, Del ... insert, delete order
- Enter, Space ... edit order number
- F1 ... goto pattern edit
- F2 ... goto instrument edit
- F8 ... clear whole order
- Instrument Edit:
- , , PgUp, PgDn, Home, End ... move cursor
- Ins, Del ... insert, delete instrument
- Enter ... edit instrument
- Backspace ... load an instrument
- Space ... edit instrument name
- F1 ... goto pattern edit
- F3 ... goto order edit
- F4 ... save instrument
- F8 ... clear all instruments
- Editing Instrument:
- , , Tab, S.Tab ... move cursor
- Space ... edit instrument name
- F1 ... goto pattern edit
- F2, ESC, Enter ... return to instrument edit
- F3 ... goto order edit
- F4 ... save instrument
- F8 ... clear this instrument
- Load Instrument:
- , , , , Tab, S.Tab ... move cursor
- Z,S,X,D,C,V,G,B,H,N,J,M, ... play instrument the cursor is on
- Q,2,W,3,E,R,5,T,6,Y,7,U
- ESC ... return to instrument menu
- Space, Enter ... load instrument
- Pattern Edit:
- , , , , Tab, S.Tab ... move cursor
- Z,S,X,D,C,V,G,B,H,N,J,M, ... enter notes
- Q,2,W,3,E,R,5,T,6,Y,7,U
- PgUp, PgDn ... next, previous pattern
- . ... clear note
- [ ... enter new instrument
- ] ... enter new volume
- { ... clear instrument
- } ... clear volume
- ; ... set pattern break
- ' ... set pattern jump
- Ins, Del ... insert, delete track
- ALT-B ... mark beginning of block
- ALT-E ... mark end of block
- ALT-L ... mark entire channel
- ALT-C ... copy block
- ALT-Z ... clear block
- ALT-O ... overwrite block
- ALT-U ... unmark block
- ALT-Q ... block up an octave
- ALT-A ... block down an octave
- ALT-W ... block up a halftone
- ALT-S ... block down a halftone
- F2 ... goto instrument edit
- F3 ... goto order edit
- F8 ... clear whole pattern
- Values in the instrument window:
- There are two sets of the same factors for the two operators that make up
- a voice, the first is the Modulator, the second is the Carrier.
- The modulator modulates the output of the carrier in FM synthesis, the
- voice will be in FM mode if the "C" bit is set to 0, if it is set to 1
- the outputs of the two operators will instead be added together to form
- the output of 2 non-FM voices rather than 1 FM.
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │││└─Envelope scaling for operator
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │││ (the higher the note the quicker it plays)
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││└─Sustain Sound, if this bit is set then the note
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││ will remain on at a level determined by "SL"
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││ until another note on the voice is played
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │└─Volume vibrato (self explanatory)
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─Amplitude vibrato (self explanatory)
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─Wave select for operator, wave types are: 0-sine,
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 1-half sine, 2-abs. sine, 3-pulse sine
- │ │ │ │ │ │ └─Total level, volume control for operator, 0 is highest
- │ │ │ │ │ │
- │ │ │ │ │ └─Key scale level, (the higher the note the quieter): 0-no KSL
- │ │ │ │ │ 1-KSL of 3 dB/oct, 2-KSL of 1.5 dB/oct, 3-KSL of 6 dB/oct
- │ │ │ │ └─Frequency multiplier, output frequency of operator will be
- │ │ │ │ multiplied by this
- │ │ │ └─Release rate, after a note reaches its sustain level, it will
- │ │ │ then diminish to nothingness at a speed determined by this
- │ │ └─Sustain level (0-max, F-none): After a note reaches its max, it will
- │ │ diminish to this level, and if the "E" bit is set it will remain
- │ │ at this level until another note is played on the channel
- │ └─Decay rate, this determines how fast a note goes from its max to the
- │ sustain level
- └─Attack rate, determines how fast a note reaches its max after being activated
- FB C
- │ └─Connection: 0-FM synthesis, 1-Additive synthesis
- │
- └─Feedback: in FM the modulators output is multipliued by this and then
- sent to its own input
- Dont expext to understand any of this, the best way to learn how each parameter
- affects the sound is to experiment, begin with something like these values
- 0F 02 0F 01 01 00 00 00 0000 0F 02 0F 01 01 00 00 00 0000 00 0
- and experiment...
- Pattern Edit:
- ███ 0108C 2 ···C 2C 1···A 3······C 2······························ 00 ·· ·· ··
- ███ ······· ······C 1···B 3······C 1······························ 01 ·· ·· ··
- ███ ······· ······C 1·····················D 4····················· 02 ·· ·· ··
- J03 04··C 3 ···C 3C 1············································· 01 ·· ·· ··
- │██ │·0CD#2 ···D#2C 1···A 3······C 2······························ │· ·· ·· ··
- │ │ │ │ │ │ │
- │ │ │ │ │ └ Full 18 channel pattern, this Order in which patterns
- │ │ │ │ │ doesnt show instruments and volumes will be played
- │ │ │ │ │ you have to see those one channel
- │ │ │ │ │ at a time, on the SBPro the tracks
- │ │ │ │ │ are left, right, left, right, ect...
- │ │ │ │ │ on the Adlib or SB, only every second
- │ │ │ │ │ track is played, but you can still enter
- │ │ │ │ │ all notes.
- │ │ │ │ │
- │ │ │ │ └ Note and octave
- │ │ │ │
- │ │ │ └ New volume (0 highest - 3f lowest)
- │ │ │
- │ │ └ New instrument for channel
- │ │
- │ └ Info bar
- │
- └ Jump command, jumps from current pattern to the # order.
- could also be "-B-" command, which just breaks out of the
- current pattern.
- Status Bar:
- Tempo: The tempo of the music, lower is faster
- Octave: The octave the lower keyboard keys will currently play in, the
- upper keyboard keys will play one octave above that. If youre
- entering notes into a pattern they will be of these octaves.
- Voice: The channel you are currently editin or playing on, on the adlib
- only the even channels will produce sounds, although you will still
- be able to enter notes in the patterns on the odd channels.
- Pattern: The pattern you are currently editing.
- Order: Your location in the order of the song, pressing F7 will cause the
- music to start playing from this order.
- Size: The size of the actual music data, excluding some misc things, just
- keep this number below F400, if you exceed this number, any changes
- you make to the patterns will not be stored. This number only changes
- when you change to another patter cuz when you do that the pattern
- you were working on is packed to memory and the size is recalculated.
- COMPOSP.DAT is the instrument bank file for this composer. Upon running
- this program, it will chek if this file exists in the directory the
- composer is located in (it may be different from the directory youre
- running it from). If it does, it will load it, if it doesnt, it will create
- it and put in 1 instrument. This file can hold up to 1666 different istruments
- each defined by a unique 8-character name. At full size, this file will be no
- more than 31656 bytes. But you will probably never even fill it up half-way...
- Try to make it a habit of entering the instrument number at the beginning
- of a pattern for each channel that is going to play, if you dont, then that
- channel will not be played back correctly with F6... (sorry, but i didnt feel
- like putting in any back-trace-into-the-compressed-patterns-logic in at this
- point in spacetime) and remember that whatever instrument was set for a
- channel at the end of a pattern will remain into the next pattern and will be
- used in that pattern unless another instrument for that channel is set.